chatGPT on your terminal Reviews: Use Cases & Alternatives

chatGPT on your terminal

Visit chatGPT on your terminal

What is chatGPT on your terminal?

TerminalGPT is an open source tool that allows users to chat with an AI-powered conversational model in their terminal. The tool utilizes the text-davinci-003 model and requires an OpenAI API key to use. Users can adjust the temperature and engine of the model to change the output. The tool is available for download as an npm or yarn package.

AI Categories: chatGPT on your terminal,Chat,AI tool

Key Features:

Chat with ai

  • Adjust temperature and engine
  • Utilize text-davinci-003 model
  • Require openai api key
  • Available for download

    Core features


  • Users who prefer command-line interfaces, enjoy tinkering with ai models, and like to have fine-grained control over outcomes.
  • Developers
  • Developers who would like to incorporate an ai-powered conversational model into their workflows and applications.
  • Researchers
  • Researchers who are studying ai models or conversational agents and would like to experiment with different parameter settings.

    Use case ideas

  • Automated customer support.
  • Personalized chatbot for websites.
  • Interactive storytelling tool.

  • Summary

    TerminalGPT is a command-line tool that utilizes an AI-powered conversational model for chatting and allows users to adjust temperature and engine to change output.
