News API by Contify Reviews: Use Cases & Alternatives

News API by Contify

Visit News API by Contify

What is News API by Contify?

Contify News APIs - Provides a Clean and granular, business-specific updates delivered through REST API and Webhooks.Contify News API aggregate, deduplicate, and tag company information into a steady stream of noise-free, structured, machine-readable business and industry-relevant news delivered through RESTful APIs, Webhooks, and RSS feeds. It integrates into your apps, intranet portals, ERP, CRM, or KMS, helping you to build personalized types of intelligence programs.

AI Categories: News API by Contify,News,Development,AI tool

Key Features:


  • Deduplicating
  • Tagging
  • Delivering
  • Structured

    Core features

    Data analysts

  • Business intelligence professionals
  • Market researchers
  • Competitive intelligence analysts

    Use case ideas

  • Drive a market and competitive intelligence program.
  • Build new features or launch a new product leveraging personalized market and competitive intelligence.
  • Power your analytics program with raw data to surface industry insights and trends relevant to your business.
  • Train your AI and Machine Learning models with high-quality datasets.

  • Summary

    Contify News API provides a clean and granular, business-specific updates delivered through REST API and Webhooks.


    Q:What can News API by Contify do in brief?
    A:Contify News API provides a clean and granular, business-specific updates delivered through REST API and Webhooks.

    Q:How can I get started with News API by Contify?
    A:Getting started with News API by Contify is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.

    Q:Can I use News API by Contify for free?
    A:News API by Contify uses a Free trial pricing model
    , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.

    Q:Who is News API by Contify for?
    A:The typical users of News API by Contify include:

    • Data analysts
    • Business intelligence professionals
    • Market researchers
    • Competitive intelligence analysts

    Q:Does News API by Contify have an API?
    A:Yes, News API by Contify provides an API that developers can use to integrate its AI capabilities into their own applications.

    Q:Where can I find News API by Contify on social media?
    A:Follow News API by Contify on social media to stay updated with the latest news and features:

    Q:How popular is News API by Contify?
    A:News API by Contify enjoys a popularity rating of 4.86/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools.
    Specific monthly traffic data may not be available yet on our platform.